Research question: What is the long term impact of COVID lock-downs upon workplace employment stability?
This should be in the words of the authors with minimal quotes except to make it interesting to the reader. Thus, an introduction introduces the topic. This should be fairly straightforward, as each paper considers published data from various sources, in order to at least identify the huge hit that workplaces have endured during and after COVID. You should inform the readers that this research is not all conclusive, as just as during COVID, there were various twists and turns, and at times, one might never know what was going to happen next.
We are in a reality in which some trust and others distrust the messaging from government, from the pharmaceutical companies, and from the media. The dynamics of the workplace are shaken; work from home vs. show up to work; the impact upon exports, manufacturing, as well as incomes are just facets of a complex situation. These are merely samples, as I do not know which data you have found and explored, and the direction you are taking your reports. If you have ever heard a politician speaking or a sermon preached, the first section of the talk literally tells the audience/congregation what they are going to hear. THAT is the introduction.
Attached is the rest of the paper, please make sure it relates and this introduction, introduces the info in the rest of this paper.