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Test your knowledge of key psychology concepts with this Psychology proctored final exam 2 covering topics like persuasion, stress, cognitive processes, and personality disorders.


Psychology Proctored Final EXAM 2 Q&A

Welcome to this psychology proctored exam sample for summer 2024. ANP has complied the questions from a real tested final exam to check your understanding of basic ideas in the field. This exam includes a variety of topics, such as how we think, how we handle stress, personality disorders, and social behavior. Whether you’re a student getting ready for exams or just want to test your knowledge, this exam will help you see how well you understand these key psychology concepts.

The question asks for the best definition of psychology. Among the options given:

  1. The study of thoughts, social interactions, and emotions
  2. The analysis of the mind and its unconscious thoughts
  3. The study of the brain and its inner function
  4. The study of mental activity and behavior based on the brain processes

The most comprehensive definition of psychology is generally considered to be The study of mental activity and behavior based on the brain processes.

Positive punishment causes a(n) ______ in behavior through the ______ of a stimulus.

  • Increase; removal
  • Decrease; addition
  • Decrease; removal
  • Increase; addition

Positive punishment involves adding an aversive stimulus to decrease the likelihood of a behavior recurring. So, the correct answer is:

Decrease; addition

Miriam believes she is not attractive, so she typically wears ugly clothing. As a result, men rarely show interest in her, which confirms to her that she is not attractive. Miriam’s behavior is an example of a(n):

  • Fundamental attribution error
  • Ingroup/outgroup bias
  • Actor/observer bias
  • Self-fulfilling prophecy

The correct answer is:

Self-fulfilling prophecy

Remembering how to ice skate is most likely an example of _______ memory.

  • Explicit
  • Semantic
  • Episodic
  • Procedural

The correct answer is:


Anna felt that she could not succeed at her final exam, and thinking about the final exam made her feel physically ill. For Anna, the final exam is most likely a(n):

  • Stressor
  • Daily hassle
  • Hurdle
  • Immune response

The correct answer is:


When attitudes influence feelings and behaviors on an unconscious level they are called ______ attitudes.

  • Implicit
  • Simple
  • Complex
  • Explicit

The correct answer is:


Chemical substances that carry messages from one neuron to the next are called:

  • Agonists
  • Hormones
  • Neurotransmitters
  • Antagonists

The correct answer is:


The textbook discusses two basic, general approaches that can be used to treat clients with mental health disorders. These approaches are:

  • Cognitive therapy and group therapy
  • Dream analysis and electroconvulsive therapy
  • Psychoanalysis and behavior modification
  • Psychotherapy and biological therapy

The correct answer is:

Psychotherapy and biological therapy

Compared with the medical model of health, the biopsychosocial model approach to health and well-being:

  • Considers more variables
  • Is rarely used in practice
  • Ignores human biology
  • Does not focus on illness

The correct answer is:

Considers more variables

Hugh is sad that his best friend is studying abroad for the entire academic year. His brother tries to get him to go to some social events, but Hugh does not want to do anything. Hugh’s behavior is not energized, directed, or sustained, and he is lacking:

  • Motivation
  • Self-actualization
  • Emotion
  • Homeostasis

The correct answer is:


Elena is working on a team project for her computer science class. Although the entire team is responsible for the project, some people do not feel responsible for contributing to it. Because of this, some team members do not complete their assigned tasks. This is most likely due to:

  • Social loafing
  • Group polarization
  • Groupthink
  • Social facilitation

The correct answer is:

Social loafing

The more time Tameka devoted to studying, the better her scores on exams. This fact illustrates a(n):

  • Case study
  • Correlation
  • Survey
  • Experiment

The correct answer is:


According to the diathesis-stress model, mental disorders are caused by both ______ and stress.

  • A predisposition to mental illness
  • Unconscious conflicts
  • Sociocultural factors
  • Abnormal thought processes

The correct answer is:

A predisposition to mental illness

Because Simone works with clients who have anxiety disorders, she knows that the key characteristic of this group of mental disorders is:

  • Changing moods that are not related to events in the environment
  • Feelings of increased nervousness or fear in the absence of danger
  • Ongoing problems with interpersonal relationships
  • Disorganized thoughts and high physical activation

The correct answer is:

Feelings of increased nervousness or fear in the absence of danger

Your roommate is achievement oriented, impatient, aggressive, and time-pressed. Your roommate’s behavior fits the ______ pattern.

  • Hardiness
  • Emotion-focused coping
  • Type A behavior
  • Type B behavior

The correct answer is:

Type A behavior

How are the act of riding a roller coaster and the fear experienced while riding it related?

  • Riding a roller coaster is an intentional behavior and the experienced fear is an instinctual behavior
  • Riding a roller coaster is a behavior and the experienced fear is a related mental activity
  • Riding a roller coaster is a behavior and the experienced fear is a psychological disorder
  • Riding a roller coaster is a mental activity and the experienced fear is a behavior

The correct answer is:

Riding a roller coaster is a behavior and the experienced fear is a related mental activity

John was recently diagnosed with schizophrenia. He frequently makes statements that are not logical and contain repeating words, such as “The train brain rained on me”. In this example, John is displaying:

  • Disorganized speech
  • Negative symptoms
  • Delusions
  • Hallucinations

The correct answer is:

Disorganized speech

Jenny is receiving psychotherapy for an eating disorder. Her therapist is warm and empathetic and can easily take her perspective. He encourages Jenny to express her thoughts and feelings about her eating issues and does not judge or criticize anything she says. This therapist is most likely using a ______ therapeutic approach.

  • Rational-emotive
  • Client-centered
  • Cognitive-behavioral
  • Psychoanalytic

The correct answer is:


Which of the following brain structures plays an important role in how we respond to fearful things?

  • Hippocampus
  • Thalamus
  • Amygdala
  • Hypothalamus

The correct answer is:


Reveille just got a new bank account password: 979tamu. She repeats the code over and over, keeping the information maintained in long-term storage by using:

  • Elaborative rehearsal
  • Maintenance rehearsal
  • Chunking
  • Dual coding

The correct answer is:

Maintenance rehearsal

Joffrey’s wife asked him to go to the store and buy milk, bacon, apples, juice, butter, and cereal. Joffrey did not write down the items and ended up only remembering to buy milk and bacon at the store. The fact that Joffrey only remembered milk and bacon demonstrates the ______ effect.

  • Primacy
  • Decay
  • Interference
  • Recency

The correct answer is:


A stressor is any event or stimulus that:

  • Cannot be coped with
  • By definition has negative consequences for the organism
  • Cannot be coped with in the short term
  • Threatens an organism and elicits a coping response

The correct answer is:

Threatens an organism and elicits a coping response

Informed consent means that:

  • Participants' information must be kept strictly confidential
  • Participants must be told about a research study and allowed to choose whether they would like to participate
  • A researcher is not permitted to observe people in public places without their knowledge
  • A research study has been reviewed and approved by a group of reviewers based on ethical standards

The correct answer is:

Participants must be told about a research study and allowed to choose whether they would like to participate

After finishing elementary school, Mia moved to a new school district for middle school. Almost none of her friends from elementary school came with her to the new school. She feels anxious and quickly joins an after-school club. What motive may be driving Mia’s behavior?

  • Reappraisal
  • Familiarity principle
  • Need to belong
  • Egosystem goals

The correct answer is:

Need to belong

Which of the following is an advantage of group therapy, aside from low cost?

  • It ignores cultural differences between participants
  • Participants can learn from each other
  • Low cost is the only advantage of group therapy
  • It deals exclusively with physical problems

The correct answer is:

Participants can learn from each other

The site where communication occurs between neurons through the release of chemicals is called:

  • Dendrite
  • Axon
  • Cell body
  • Synapse

The correct answer is:


You read a description about a woman named Tyra, who happens to be extremely beautiful and almost six feet tall. You are asked to predict whether Tyra is a model or a science teacher. To do this, you think of your prototypes of a model and a science teacher, and you decide that Tyra is a model. Your reasoning may be faulty due to:

  • Framing
  • The availability heuristic
  • An algorithm
  • The representativeness heuristic

The correct answer is:

The representativeness heuristic

Hal is a police officer who believes that all elderly people are bad drivers. He issues tickets to a lot of elderly drivers. The way that Hal unfairly targets and punishes elderly drivers is best described as:

  • Prejudice
  • Stereotyping
  • Modern racism
  • Discrimination

The correct answer is:


Which of the following is NOT an example of thinking?

  • Taking a nap with soft music playing
  • Translating your Spanish homework into English
  • Calculating the tip on your dinner bill
  • Using a map to drive to a new store

The correct answer is:

Taking a nap with soft music playing

If you study in the same room in which you take an exam, you will probably do better on the exam than if you had studied elsewhere. This outcome occurs because of ________ memory.

  • Context-dependent
  • State-dependent
  • Semantic
  • Episodic

The correct answer is:


Dominic is watching a horror movie at the movie theater. His heart is racing, he feels scared, and he considers leaving to calm down. Instead, he begins to think about how the blood in the movie is not real and the people are only actors. Dominic is using which strategy to regulate his emotions?

  • Thought suppression
  • Distraction
  • Rumination
  • Reappraisal

The correct answer is:


Ria’s parents have raised her to follow group norms, obey authority, and to not challenge or complain about her status in society. Ria is probably being raised as a member of a(n) _______ culture.

  • Individualistic
  • Collectivist
  • Cohesive
  • Independent

The correct answer is:


Eric is terrified of cows. In his first session with a therapist, Eric is instructed in some deep-breathing exercises to create a calm state. Then, the therapist prompts Eric to visualize a mildly fear-provoking situation involving driving past a field of cows. Eric’s therapist is using:

  • Systematic desensitization
  • Modeling
  • Exposure and response prevention
  • Exposure

The correct answer is:

Systematic desensitization

Auditory information is processed in the _______ lobes of the cerebral cortex.

  • Parietal
  • Frontal
  • Temporal
  • Occipital

The correct answer is:


During recess, children are trying to balance a seesaw. If one side is too heavy, a child will get off the heavy side; if one side is too light, a child will get on the light side. The children’s behavior is similar to our biological states as they try to create:

  • Drive satisfaction
  • Equilibrium
  • A habit
  • Arousal

The correct answer is:


Problem-focused coping involves:

  • Looking at the “bright side” of a situation
  • Taking direct steps to confront a stressor
  • Focusing on problems until they appear less stressful
  • Controlling emotional expressions

The correct answer is:

Taking direct steps to confront a stressor

Changes in terms of how we understand ourselves, interact with others, and experience and regulate emotions are part of the _______ domain.

  • Socio-emotional
  • Physical
  • Cultural
  • Cognitive

The correct answer is:


According to the General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS), what occurs at the first, or most immediate, level of stress response?

  • The body shuts down most organs
  • The body becomes exhausted
  • The body uses all defenses to fight the stress
  • The body prepares itself to respond physically

The correct answer is:

The body prepares itself to respond physically

In an experiment, you are asked to memorize a list of 30 words shown on a screen. At first, this seems like a challenging task. Then you realize that you can hold more words in short-term storage if you:

  • Avoid using attention processes for working memory
  • Try to focus on one code (visual or auditory) instead of dual codes
  • Expand the capacity of your sensory storage
  • Group words together in meaningful ways

The correct answer is:

Group words together in meaningful ways

When the presence of others leads to enhanced performance, it is an example of:

  • Social facilitation
  • Conformity
  • Deindividuation
  • Social loafing

The correct answer is:

Social facilitation

If you are trying to use classical conditioning to train your pet mouse to be afraid of a flashing light, you will most likely be successful if you:

  • Pair the light with giving the mouse a treat
  • Take away the mouse’s food before the light comes on
  • Take away the mouse’s food after the light comes on
  • Pair the light with an electric shock

The correct answer is:

Pair the light with an electric shock

If Dr. Padgett meets a new client who has antisocial personality disorder, the client most likely has:

  • An inability to control his or her impulses
  • A lack of empathy and remorse
  • Detachment from social relationships
  • Feelings of inadequacy

The correct answer is:

A lack of empathy and remorse

When Sarita first moved into her dorm room, she would get distracted by the other students talking in the hall outside her room. After 2 months of repeated exposure to talking in the hallway, Sarita does not get distracted anymore. Sarita has learned through:

  • Observational learning
  • Habituation
  • Operant conditioning
  • Classical conditioning

The correct answer is:


The question asks why depression is sometimes referred to as “the common cold of psychological disorders.”

  • It is the most prevalent psychological disorder, affecting millions of people
  • Even if a person gets over it, he or she can expect to get it again
  • It is easily transmitted from person to person, like the common cold
  • There is no effective treatment for it

The correct answer is:

It is the most prevalent psychological disorder, affecting millions of people