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  • NSG 3180 Professional Guides for Nursing Communication

While effective communication lies at the heart of nursing practice, learning where to draw the line with regard to patient confidentiality is important.


Arnold From Interpersonal Relationships, 8th Edition

While effective communication lies at the heart of nursing practice, learning where to draw the line with regard to patient confidentiality is important. This chapter, “Professional Guides for Nursing Communication, presents a thorough discussion of those areas in which nurses have to show caution in order not to breach confidentiality, identifying potential pitfalls and offering practical guidelines about how to manage what are often difficult situations.

NSG 3180 Multiple Choice Scenario Explained

Scenario: The nurse was found negligent due to the failure to go through the patient’s record and not obtaining written consent regarding a procedure. On the other hand, in this case, such consent by the nurse did not amount to a breach of patient confidentiality.

Correct Answer: B - In failing to verify information about the patient and failing to obtain written consent, the nurse was indeed negligent. This represents misconduct on the ground of a lapse in procedural diligence but no breach of patient confidentiality.

Principle: Misconduct is defined as failure to follow procedures or protocols, whereas confidentiality may be breached with the release of unauthorized information.

Cognitive Level: Application

Nursing Process Steps: All Steps

Client Needs: Management of Care

Understanding Breach of Patient Confidentiality

The responsibility for maintaining confidentiality with regard to patients is an important concern ethically and legally in nursing. Because of this, it’s important for nursing professionals to identify just what constitutes a breach in confidentiality. One of the most common instances of a breach in confidentiality involves information about the patient that has been disclosed outside of a professional context.

Multiple Choice Question on Confidentiality

Based on the following scenario, which of the following represents a violation of patient confidentiality?

c. Gunshot wounds.

d. Patient information in a nonprofessional environment. (Correct Answer) Explanation: Disclosure of patient information, reporting the information on patients outside professional interest, as observed in answer d, is a breach of confidence. It points to the fact that nurses should not discuss information about patients in public or places that are not professional, since it could provide unauthorized access to sensitive information or lead to the misuse of the information.

Key Takeaway: Patient Information Security The privacy of the patient’s information is always to be borne in mind by the nurse and disclosed only to other professionals and in appropriate environments. Protection of patient confidentiality includes knowledge of both legal and ethical parameters.

For more information on nursing communication and confidentiality, please visit or Ace Nursing Program, for a one-stop destination that supports nursing students with a gamut of resources in mastering the critical topics that include patient communication and confidentiality to perfect their clinical practice and professional development.